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Industrial water-cooled screw chiller

Brief description:Name: Industrial water-cooled screw chiller
Specification: LS200MI
Cooling capacity: 200kw
Product features: This product has the advantages of "high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection"

  • Product model:
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-14
  • Number of enquiries: 1577

Detailed introduction

品牌ZHONGYOU/ Zhongyou

Industrial water-cooled screw chiller

Industrial water-cooled screw chiller

: LS200MI
Refrigerating capacity: 200kw
Product characteristics: This product has the advantages of "high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection"

How it works: 
LS series industrial chillerIs the company set many years of experience in the design and production of chiller, integrated the advantages of similar products at home and abroad and designed to open a new type of industrial chiller。The product has the advantages of "high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection", and can be widely used in central air conditioning, chemical, petroleum, medicine, food, machinery, electronics and other industries to provide high-quality conventional environment of 5℃ ~ +15℃ and high temperature environment of 15℃ ~ +25℃ for its process。The chilled water system can be equipped with a water tank to facilitate energy regulation, and the amount of chilled water in the unit can be adjusted within a certain range according to user requirements。This product conforms to the national standard GB/T18430.1-2001 "Steam compression cycle cold water (heat pump) units for industrial and commercial use and similar cold water (heat pump) units" provisions。
LS series industrial chiller unit Features:
○ The selection of world compressors, refrigeration accessories and control components to ensure the excellent and reliable performance of the unit。
The high efficiency heat exchanger optimized by the computer has realized the optimization of parameters, ensuring the best heat transfer effect, and ensuring that the unit has a good energy efficiency ratio in a wide area。
○ According to the change of the actual required cold capacity, the unit automatically adjusts the amount of the host input, so that the output cold capacity matches the required load, so as to achieve economic operation and achieve energy saving。


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